—— 延續蝴蝶美麗的時光·不止於綻放那十四天 ——

| 主題理念


Promoting nature conservation and environmental protection has emerged as a worldwide movement. By employing butterflies as a symbol to highlight climate change issues and utilizing "thermochromic ink" in printing to mirror the sensitivity of butterflies to climate change, the goal is to enable the public to collectively experience and preserve the beauty of these delicate creatures.

| 海報設計


The "Beyond Fourteen Days" font design is the focal point of the poster, drawing attention not only to its style but also to the vibrant orange thermochromic ink. This choice emphasizes the overall visual impact and intrigue. Through the incorporation of thermochromic ink, the poster reveals hidden secrets and elucidates the five major reasons for butterfly conservation and human-induced global warming. Touching the poster allows one to experience these revelations firsthand, as the ink reacts to the warmth of the hand.

| 繪本立體書


Drawing inspiration from butterflies' utilization of protective coloration to extend their lives and humans' reverence for the sanctity of life, this concept enables the audience to deeply engage with the narrative while also fostering empathetic introspection. In doing so, they can attain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of survival shared between butterflies and humans.

| 酷卡設計


By using ticket design to mimic the appearance of the "Butterfly Last Bus" and maintaining the theme's thermochromic features, as well as incorporating scenes from the story, we enhance interactivity and amusement.